Ukrainian porcelain

Ukrainian porcelainPorcelain production in the Ukraine began at the end of the XVIII century. Specimens of old Ukrainian porcelain from the Korets, Baranivka and Horodnytsky factories of the beginning of the XIX century and from the Volokytyne factory of Chernihiv Region, which are preserved in the Museum, illustrate the high art of the serf craftsmen who worked at these enterprises.


The Museum possesses the. largest collection in the country of the products of the famous Kiev-Mezhygirska Faience Factory. Particularly valuable are the plates with scenes of old Kiev and the famous blue dinner set with raised floral decorations.

Modern porcelain is represented in the Museum chiefly by the wares of a few factories — the Kiev Experimental Art Ceramics Factory, the V. I. Lenin Factory in Baranivka and the Korosten Porcelain Factory. Among the wares of these enterprises an honourable place is occupied by items decorated by craftsmen from the village of Petrykivka (Dnepropetrovsk Region), folk artists Marfa Tymchenko, Vira Pavlenko and Hanna Pavlenko-Chernychenko, who live in Kiev and work at the Kiev Experimental Art Ceramics Factory.

The Kiev artists Yaroslava Kozlova and Oleksandr Sorokin have produced a number of fine coffee and tea sets, sets for water, milk, etc.

An extremely interesting artist is Ivan Vitsko, who works at the Poltava Porcelain Factory. His tea set “Plakhta” has been admired at All-Union and international exhibitions.

Valery Shcherbina’s thematic porcelain sculptures displayed in the Museum are profound in their subject matter. The sculpture “Parting” stands out among the others.

Olga Rapai has created an interesting series of Ukrainian souvenirs. They represent female figures in the national costumes of various regions of the Ukraine, the well-known personages of literature “Paraska and Palazhka” and others.

Valentina and Mykola Trehubov have succeeded in generalizing the reproduction of images and attaining a monumental expression in works of small dimensions in their porcelain sculpture “Ukrainian Wedding”.


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